On 4th November 2021, the County Assembly adopted the County Development Plan for the period 2022 - 2027 (OG 27/21).

The course of the production and the complete content of the Development Plan is available on the website of the Regional Development Agency of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Public Institution.

At the 15th session held on 16th February 2023, the County Assembly passed the Decision on the initiation of the procedure for drafting an amendment to the Development Plan of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County for the period 2022 - 2027 (Official Gazette No. 6/23).

The amendment of the Development Plan includes the preparation of the Plan of the Development of the Islands of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County for the period of 2022 - 2027, the Territorial Strategy of the Development of the Islands of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County for the purpose of implementing the Integrated Territorial Programme 2021 - 2027, as an addendum to the Development Plan.


Title of the report: Development Strategy of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County 2016-2020 (DS PGC)
Client: Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
Coordinator for the Client: Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management
Creator: The Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution; Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management; Knowledge Network LLc, Zagreb; Safege d.o.o., Zagreb; Ecorys Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb
Year compiled: 2015

The planning of regional development is regulated by the Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette no. 147/14). In line with Article 11 of the Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia the planning documents of the policy of regional development are the Strategy of Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia, the County Development Strategy, and the City of Zagreb Development Strategy and the Strategy of Development of Urban Regions.

The County Development Strategy is the basic strategic planning document of a unit of regional government in which the aims and priorities of development for the area of a county with the purpose of the strengthening of its developmental potentials are determined, with a special emphasis on the role of large towns and central cities of counties in the stimulation of development and the development of poorly developed areas.

The drafting of the 2016-2020 Development Strategy (DS) of PGC began with the then applicable Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette no. 153/09) and in line with the Regulation of the mandatory content, methodology of the drafting and method of the evaluation of county strategies (Official Gazette no. 53/10). In the process of drafting the DS of PGC 2016-2020 the new Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette no. 147/14) was adopted, and on the basis of the same the Guidelines for the drafting of county developmental strategies, the monitoring and evaluation of their implementation (Ministry of Regional Development and funds of the European Union CLASS: 011-01/15-02/3, REGISTERED NUMBER: 538-06-1/003-15-5, from 30th September 2015), with which the DS of PGC 2016-2020 in the final phase of drafting is compliant.

In line with Article 13, paragraph 2, a regional governmental unit adopts a county development strategy in line with the principle of partnership and collaboration after the previously acquired opinion of a partner council for the area of a county, taking into consideration the need of ensuring the uniform development of all parts of the county.

The Assembly of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County at its 6th session held on 19th December 2013 adopted the Resolution about the founding of a Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Partner Council (CLASS: 021-04/13-01/9, REGISTERED NUMBER: 2170/1-01-01/5-13-22).On the basis of the Resolution about the founding of a Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Partner Council on 3rd February 2014 the County Prefect adopted the Resolution about the appointment of a Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Partner Council (CLASS: 022-04/14-01/4, REGISTERED NUMBER: 2170/1-01-01/6-14-10). Appointed as president was Marko Boras Mandić, Deputy County Prefect, and Associate Professor Ljudevit Krpan PhD, Head of the Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management as deputy.

One of the fundamental principles of the policy of regional development, in line with Article 5, of the Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia, is the principle of partnership and collaboration between the public, private and civil sectors. It implies the cooperation between bodies of state administration, units of regional government, units of local self-government, economic entities, the scientific community, social partners and organisations of the civil society. Following on from this, in all phases of the drafting of the 2016-2020 Development Strategy of PGC representatives of the significant shareholders, in other words, the principle of partnership and collaboration of public, private and civil sectors was respected in all phases of the drafting.

On 19th November 2015 the County Assembly unanimously adopted the Development Strategy of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County for the period from 2016 to 2020.