In 2022 the Institute for Physical Planning printed the scientific and expert publication The Analysis of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County due to rising sea level, on the basis of which the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets – Institute for Spatial Development offered the Institute the opportunity to be included in the pilot activity within the Territorial Agenda 2030: Climate change adaptation and resilience through landscape transition.
The Institute responded to the above offer and participated with Portuguese partners in the preparation of the Report on the implementation of pilot activities within the Territorial Agenda 2030: Climate change adaptation and resilience through landscape transition.
The Portuguese Directorate General for Territory (DGT) in collaboration with the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry (ICNF), the Algarve Regional Commission for Coordination and Development (CCDR) and the municipalities of Monchique and Silves (CMM and CMS) organised a Critical Friend Visit to which members of the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) were invited. This peer review process is a key step in gathering feedback and recommendations for the improvement of the pilot action and a contribution to the implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2030.
At this meeting in partnership with Croatian and Portuguese partners, the final report of the joint pilot activity Climate change adaptation and resilience through landscape transition was presented, for which the comprehensive presentation of the Croatian example - The Analysis of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County due to rising sea level was prepared. Employees of the Institute for Physical Planning of PGC participated in the preparation of Critical Friend Visit and several working sessions. Furthermore, at the event itself, they presented the Croatian case study and participated in a workshop that was an opportunity for participants to contribute their feedback and recommendations, ensuring the continuous improvement of the pilot action and the development of effective strategies.
Alongside all of the above an ArcGIS StoryMap was prepared, which you can view HERE.