
28. 11. 2008.

Solemnly presented the Quality Management Certificate - ISO 9001

The public institution "Institute of Physical Planning of Primorsko - goranska County" introduced the quality management system ISO 9001 for which it received the certificate of the Swiss certification company SGS (Societe Generale de Surveillance SA Systems & Services Certification).

The scope of the certification comprises the drawing of spatial planning documents and strategic surveys, and it was received for the period October 26th 2008 to October 25th 2011.

Operating as a County institution the Institute strives to implement the prescribed lines of work of Primorsko-goranska County for 2005-2009, where among the leading goals is the aim for the County to be a "County by European standards", which includes quality and excellence. With the introduction of the ISO 9001 quality system, the Institute realised part of the programme accepted by the County Assembly and in such a way it brought closer the business principles to that of the EU, in a moment when Croatia stands "on the doorstep" of the European Union. In its work the Institute received the support of the County Assembly and County Government, and above all of the President of the County mr. Zlatko Komadina.

The Institute recognised, described and documented the processes important for the quality system and defined the sequence and the processes’ interaction by defining the elementary and the auxiliary processes. The Institute follows important processes with adequate procedures or instructions, and secures means or information necessary for their implementation and surveillance. It also undertakes the necessary measures to fulfil the planned results. Besides the existing 12, 45 new documents or records have been introduced.

From the start of the process and the receipt of the certificate, the efficiency of the system has constantly improved by implementing the criteria defined in the Rules of Procedure, while the improvement's success is monitored by periodic evaluation of the management and the constant analysis of data. At the same time, the enforcement of the quality system enables the carrying out of the established quality policies and the general aims of the Institute as a public institution and especially of Primorsko-goranska County where the Institute operates.

As an institution founded at the beginning of this year (based on the Spatial Planning and Building Act of 2007), but also as the legal successor of the Institute for Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning, the Institute has a rich tradition of more than three decades, of which in the last 14 years, i.e. from its foundation till 2007, it operated inside the County. The Institute is constantly among the leading institutions and with the receipt of the certificate it became the leading institution of its kind in Croatia.