EU projects

The CRESCO Adria project – Climate-resistant planning of the coastal area of the Adriatic is financed from the INTERREG Italy-Croatia 2021-2027 Programme.

The goal of the project has its base in European and national strategic documents that deal with the adaptation to climate change and integral management of the coastal area, and refers to improved capacities of urban areas and coastal communities in the Adriatic area to respond to climate change. The prerequisites for adaptation in the process of spatial planning, lifelong learning for the purpose of climate transition will be defined by the project, and adaptation plans will be created for selected local communities in the coastal area of the Adriatic.

The project covers two Croatian counties:  Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Zadar, and two Italian regions: Abruzzo and Le Marche. The lead partner of the project is the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rijeka. The consortium for the implementation of the project has a total of seven project partners, while the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County has the role of a project partner.

The implementation of the project began on 1st April 2024. The project is planned to last 30 months, from 1st April 2024 to 30th September 2026. The total value of the project is €1,928,010.59 with a co-financing rate of 80% from the European Regional Development Fund.


The Mountresilience project - Accelerating transformative climate adaptation for higher resilience in European mountain regions is financed by the Horizon Europe Programme - HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01.

The goal of the MountResilience project is to help European mountainous regions and communities increase their capacity for adaptation to climate change and the transition to a more climate-resilient society. Via the project, new solutions and methods for adaptation at the local and regional level will be developed, tested and adapted. A total of 44 project partners and 3 associated partners from a total of 12 European countries are participating in the implementation. The Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County has the role of a project partner.

The project covers ten mountainous regions of Europe over the territory of nine EU countries. The six regions represent demonstration areas where new methods and approaches in the adaptation to climate change are being proposed and tested in relation to local ecological, economic and social conditions. The demonstration regions in the project are: Lapland in Finland; Tyrol in Austria; Piedmont in Italy; Râu Sadului in Romania; Gabrovo in Bugarska and Valais in Switzerland.  Other regions: Gorski-Kotar in Croatia; Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy; Catalonia in Spain and the Subcarpathian region in Poland are intended as replicator sites where, taking into account their condition, needs and characteristics, the measures and approaches developed through the project will be presented and verified in the demonstration areas.

The start of the implementation of the MountResilience project is 1st September 2023. The completion of the project is planned for 29th February 2028, whilst the total duration of the project is planned for 54 months (4.5 years).

MountResilience project brochure >>

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