Projects and expert proposals

The Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, in collaboration with external experts and representatives of local government units, whose contributions ensured the accuracy and precision of the collected data, has produced the study Brownfield in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

The aim of the study is to identify and catalogue brownfields sites, i.e. abandoned buildings in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and in doing encouraging the reuse of brownfield sites because they represent a large spatial and developmental resource.

The study was initiated in 2022 with the aim of identifying and analysing the abandoned buildings in the county. The study adds to existing studies prepared for the needs of the Spatial Plan of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (2013), and has been expanded with new brownfield locations, providing a comprehensive overview of the situation. This study represents a significant step towards the revitalisation of abandoned areas.

One of the key results of the study is the Catalogue of Brownfield Sites, published as an interactive web browser, designed for potential investors. The browser provides detailed information about each site and aims to encourage the regeneration of these areas and contribute to the sustainable development of the region.

The web browser will be updated regularly, and further development of the study is planned in the future, with a focus on the reasons for the abandonment and the possibilities of repurposing these locations.

You can view the Web browser of the Catalogue of Brownfield Sites as well as the Study here.

The Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, in cooperation with the company Euroekspertiza from Zagreb, prepared a study entitled Developmental indicators of the situation in the space. The study was created as a result of the need of the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County to question the existing system of reporting about the situation of the space and consider the possibility of its improvement with the aim of simpler, better quality and more purposeful reporting about the situation of the space.

In the introductory part of the study, the goals and purpose of the study are explained. The current legislative framework, which first of all refers to the Regulation on the Content and Mandatory Spatial Indicators of the Report on Spatial Situation, indicates the need for improvement, as well as the creation of a clearer methodology that would be useful to all producers of reports about the situation of the space. Therefore, in the second part of the study, both the quality elements of the Regulation and its shortcomings, which make it difficult for the producers to collect, process, analyse and interpret the data necessary for reporting about the situation of the space, are presented. Besides the review and evaluation of the existing Regulation and the chronology of the institutional environment, i.e. the activities of the institutions responsible for monitoring the situation in the space, it contains concrete findings about the current situation and recommendations for improving the reporting system. The mentioned suggestions and recommendations can serve as a starting point for amendments to the Regulation.

The results of the conducted research are presented in the publication entitled Developmental indicators of the situation in the space, which you can download here.

With activities to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the coastal area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, the Institute for Physical Planning has started the implementation of the project The Analysis of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Area of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County due to rising sea level by the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Rijeka. As part of the Vulnerability Analysis, which represented the first phase of the project, a primary assessment of the vulnerability of the entire coastal area of PGC was carried out, whereby coastal vulnerability was defined with the help of the standard coastal vulnerability index (CVI), which consists of several partial indexes (sub-indices). Based on the results of the primary vulnerability assessment, four particularly vulnerable settlements were singled out: Cres, Rab, Punat and Volosko, which were analysed in more detail in the second phase of the project entitled Analysis of the threat of coastal flooding of vulnerable settlements in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

With the mentioned project, a methodology was developed that enabled the implementation of high-quality analyses of coastal flooding based on detailed high-precision bases (three-dimensional point clouds). Flood analyses were carried out for the current state as well as several scenarios of sea level rise: the areas and depths of flooding were defined, as well as the simulated propagation of flood waves, defined as the resultant effect of increased sea levels and waves. Coastal flooding maps were created for each analysed sea level rise scenario. The positive and negative examples of the past use of the area of coastal settlements of PGC with regard to coastal flooding are presented. Finally, the potential measures to reduce the negative consequences of sea level rise were proposed, all with the aim of implementing them into spatial planning documentation. With the realisation of this project, the possibility of the precise determination of the endangered city zones for certain scenarios of sea level rise has been achieved. The results and the proposed spatial planning guidelines are a quality basis that will enable and facilitate the timely action and interventions in the space necessary for reducing the expected negative consequences of climate change for the stakeholders (e.g. local self-government units, port authorities).

Due to the indented coast, the density of settlement construction, as well as the presence of protected cultural assets near the coastline itself, flooding analyses must be carried out for each individual endangered settlement, and the decision-making process about the measures must be multidisciplinary.

The results of the conducted research are presented in the publication entitled The Analysis of the threat of coastal flooding of vulnerable settlements in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, which you can download here.

The possibility of defining a new northern road corridor on the stretch from the Trinajstići junction on the A7 motorway in the west to the planned Soboli junction on the A6 motorway in the east was investigated in 2022 with the Spatial-traffic analysis of road corridors on the stretch from the Trinajstići junction to the planned Soboli junction. The area covered by the Spatial-traffic analysis is parts of the Municipality of Matulji, the Town of Kastav, the Municipality of Viškovo, the City of Rijeka, the Municipality of Jelenje and the Municipality of Čavle, i.e. the northern part along the Rijeka bypass. The purpose of the new road corridor is to enable an alternative road route that would relieve the traffic-burdened bypass and reduce the travel lengths of daily migrations between the local self-government units in the area in question.

Development projects of international and national significance in the area of the cargo port of Rijeka, as well as development projects of regional significance (business zones) in the subject area, will be an additional generator of road traffic, which is mostly directed to the Rijeka bypass (section of the A7 motorway), which is already one of the busiest roads in the Republic of Croatia. The Rijeka bypass passes through a populated area and, in addition to transit traffic, has a large share of local city traffic.

Occasional delays on the Rijeka bypass are also reflected in the flow of traffic on the rest of the road network. The expected increase in traffic on the bypass will also affect the flow of traffic on alternative road routes.

In order to prepare for the expected increase in traffic on the Rijeka bypass, Croatian Roads Ltd is planning the reconstruction of the Škurinje junction, the construction of a new Kozala junction (between the Diračje and Orehovica junctions) and an upgrade of the Orehovica junction. The upgrade of the junctions will improve the availability of the bypass but will not increase the capacity of the route. Widening the bypass, i.e. adding new traffic lanes, is not possible due to the demanding relief and the existing construction along the motorway.

On the longitudinal traffic corridor (the Rupa-Rijeka motorway), the external section of the Permani-Grobničko Polje motorway is planned for within the Spatial Plan of PGC and the spatial development plans of municipalities and towns. The section of the Permani-Grobničko Polje motorway passes north outside the populated area and is planned to relieve the existing bypass of Rijeka. The project and study documentation for the Permani-Grobničko Polje motorway has not been prepared, and its construction is not planned in the strategic documents of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030.

The spatial development plans of the municipalities and towns in the subject area include new roads for the purpose of improving the transport system.

The Study analysed the planned roads of Kastav-Viškovo and Marinići-Drenova (Rijeka). The issue of connecting the Municipality of Jelenje with the City of Rijeka due to the closure of the Grohovsko road following the activation of a landslide was also considered, and a new road route was proposed that passes outside the narrow area of the landslide. The new road on the proposed route, due to the steep longitudinal slope (12%), can only be a local road. Additional engineering-geological checks are required for the approval of this route and traffic structures. After additional research, a decision will be made on the possibilities of connecting the area of the City of Rijeka (Drenova district) and the area of the Municipality of Jelenje.

Following the above, the so-called “new northern road corridor” from the Trinajstići junction in the west to the east, which consists of the following existing and planned roads and the new Soboli junction:

  • the existing DC 8 road with a connection to the Trinajstići junction,
  • the existing ŽC 5019 road on the Jušići-Kastav section,
  • the existing ŽC 5206-Kastav road (ŽC 5018/ŽC 5019/ŽC 5047),
  • the planned Kastav (ŽC 5021)-Viškovo road (intersection Marinići 2 on ŽC 5215),
  • the existing NC 545 (from intersection Marinići 2 on ŽC 5215 to the roundabout on ŽC 5025) road,
  • the existing NC 86 road (from ŽC 5025 through RZ Marinići),
  • the planned RZ Marinići-Drenova road,
  • the new Soboli junction.

According to the conclusions of the Study for the realisation of the “new northern road corridor,” the following was proposed:

  • In the centre of the new road corridor is the existing cross-link ŽC 5215 Marčelji-Viškovo-Rijeka-Rujevica junction, which divides the new road corridor into western and eastern parts. Considering the importance of this road in connecting the wider area with the Rujevica junction on the Rijeka bypass (motorway A7), it is proposed that ŽC 5215 be re-categorised as a state road in accordance with the current spatial plans.
  • It is proposed that the western part of the “new northern road corridor” from the Trinajstići junction to the existing ŽC 5215 be categorised as a state road (the existing ŽC 5019, the existing ŽC 5206 and the new Kastav-Viškovo road).
  • To put the "new northern road corridor" into operation, the priority is the construction of the planned 2 km-long Kastav-Viškovo road.
  • In order to better connect the area of Jelenje Municipality with Rijeka, it is proposed to build the 1st phase of the Soboli junction on the A6 motorway with junction barriers for the direction to and from Rijeka.
  • On the eastern part of the northern corridor, it is necessary to build the planned county road RZ Marinići – Drenova, which is 2.4 km long. It is proposed that the planned categorisation of the road in accordance with the current spatial plans be maintained.

In accordance with the obligations to use renewable energy sources derived from the Spatial Plan of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, as well as the existing legislation, the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County prepared the scientific document entitled The possibilities of using solar energy on the roofs of existing buildings - Guidelines for roof analysis as a framework for local self-government units in fulfilling the mentioned requirements. The scientific document provided a standardised framework for determining the photovoltaic potential on the roofs of existing buildings.

One of the main focuses of these Roof Analysis Guidelines is determining the photovoltaic potential of all publicly owned buildings (schools, nursery schools, municipal buildings, etc.) and privately owned multi-residential buildings. These buildings, on average, have a larger floor plan area, so it is possible to produce the largest amount of electricity on them. Due to several reasons, in reality, there is little initiative to launch projects for the construction of photovoltaic power plants in public and multi-residential buildings.

These Guidelines aim to popularise the production of electricity on the roofs of buildings. Based on these Guidelines, all interested parties (primarily local self-government units in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County) can, in a relatively quick and reliable way, determine the suitability of roofs for the installation of photovoltaic modules and the photovoltaic potential of a specific area.

The main focus of the analysis is not on determining the photovoltaic potential at the level of an individual building but on identifying the buildings/roofs that can be determined with great certainty to have a satisfactory return on the investment or an adequate amount of electricity produced. 

Due to the most favourable insolation and the sensitivity of the electricity supply network, the Kvarner Islands have been recognised as the area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, where increasing the share of solar energy would bring the most benefits.



The results of the conducted research are presented in the scientific document entitled The possibilities of using solar energy on the roofs of existing buildings - Guidelines for roof analysis, which you can download here.

In order to contribute to the balanced development of Gorski Kotar, and based on the recognised characteristics of the settlement typology, the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Public Institution created the Spatial Identities of Rural Settlements in Gorski Kotar study, which defined the guidelines for the planning of settlements. The study analysed the settlements of Gorski Kotar, where the greatest pressure from construction was noticed. It was analysed what makes Gorski Kotar recognisable (the identity factors), what negative changes are taking place in the space (transformations), and examples of houses are given in the study that are recognised as making a recognisable image of Gorski Kotar by their type, size, proportions, materials and design elements and that form its spatial identity (a typical house in Gorski Kotar).

In the preparation of the study, workshops were held with representatives of local self-government units and the general public, all in order to reach an agreement between the profession and the public.

The result of extensive analyses are guidelines for the planning of settlements, which are defined as:

  • guidelines for preserving the image of a settlement and possible further development of a settlement and 
  • guidelines for the design of buildings and the arrangement of construction elements.

As a summary of the study, The Guidelines for Physical Planning and Construction in the Settlements of Gorski Kotar publication was created, which you can download here.

The entire study you can download here.

Increasingly frequent and unpredictable weather problems are being caused by climate change. Scientific research and predictions of future scenarios indicate that the observed rise in sea levels in recent decades will continue and accelerate.

The Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Rijeka, conducted a scientific and expert analysis of the vulnerability of the coastal area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

As part of the project, a primary assessment of the vulnerability of the entire coastal area of PGC was carried out, a coastal vulnerability analysis methodology was developed, which was adapted to the specifics of the indented and geologically inhomogeneous coast of the Eastern Adriatic and PGC. Coastal vulnerability is defined with the help of the standard coastal vulnerability index (CVI), which consists of several partial indices (sub-indices): geological structure, coastal slope, the actions of waves, flooding of the coast and the favourable effect of sand. The vulnerability of the PGC coastal zone due to the rise of sea level is mostly favourable. The values of the aggregated CVI showed that a small part of the coast of the County is threatened (13%). The most unfavourable values of the coastal vulnerability index are mainly related to populated areas that are already threatened by coastal flooding. Analysis of the coastal flooding variable indicates that almost a quarter of the County’s coast (24%) is threatened. With a real increase in sea level by 60 cm the current proportion of the vulnerable coast would increase to about 30%. In extreme events accompanied by an increase in the sea level of 120 cm, this proportion would increase to as much as 35% of the coastline.

This scientific and expert analysis of the County’s vulnerability made it possible to locate the most threatened areas that need to be analysed more closely in detailed documents. It was shown that the most endangered coastal areas are the inhabited ones, especially older settlements such as Rijeka, Cres, Susak, Mali and Veli Lošinj, Rab, Punat, Volosko and alike.

The Vulnerability Analysis of the Coastal Area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County due to rising sea level publication is just one of the many measures by which the County wants to contribute to strengthening resilience to climate change.

A study of the spatial-traffic connection of the Municipalities of Jelenje and Čavle to the Permani-Grobničko Polje external motorway was made in 2019 for the purpose of the provision of corridors for the construction of road infrastructure of national and county importance and the improvement of the interconnectivity of the wider gravitational area.

For the scope of the study, the administrative area of the Municipality of Čavle and the Municipality of Jelenje was defined as well as the peripheral area of the City of Rijeka, the Town of Bakar and the Municipality of Viškovo. The entire transport network to the level of local roads was covered by the analysis. Apart from the motor traffic, pedestrian, bicycle and public transport were also analysed.

The spatial-traffic study will also be used as an expert basis for the needs of the preparation of the spatial development plans of the Municipality of Jelenje and the Municipality of Čavle.

The connection of Grobnik Sports Centre to the transport network

With the proposal of new transport designs, the route of the II. phase of the Rupa-Žuta Lokva motorway through the area of the Municipalities of Čavle and Jelenje was determined. The locations and planning designs of the junctions of Grobničko Polje and Dražice and the routes of the peripheral roads that connect at the Dražice junction were proposed. The realisation of the Soboli Junction was determined as the main priority of the study. Its construction is expected to relieve the transport situation of the settlement of Čavle as well as to significantly improve the transport connectivity of the Municipality of Jelenje. The connection of the Grobnik Sports Centre to the network of primary roads is ensured through two new roads that connect the sports centre from the southeast, i.e. the northwest side. In addition to this, the construction of several new roads and the reconstruction of the existing roads have been proposed in the area of the two municipalities.

A variation of the design of the connection of the Dražice Junction to the transport network

The conceptual design of the Soboli Junction


Upon the initiative of the Town of Mali Lošinj, in 2019 the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the Town of Mali Lošinj began activities in the preparation of the technical documentation for the procurement of the location permit for the Ustrine Solar Power Plant.

The Ustrine Solar Power plant is planned on the island of Cres within the administrative boundaries of the Town of Mali Lošinj, 1 km northeast of the construction area of the village of Ustrine. The location of the solar power plant is on the north side of the L58099 local road. The surface area of the wider coverage of the solar power is 50 ha, whilst the surface area of the narrower coverage of the project, intended for the accommodation of the photovoltaic modules, the substations and auxiliary buildings, is approximately 25.5 ha. The solar power plant will be surrounded by an unobtrusive, airy, grey-white coloured fence with passages provided for small animals.

Fig.1 3D simulation of the Ustrine Solar Power Plant

Fig.2 3D simulation of the Ustrine Solar Power Plant

The Ustrine Solar Power Plant is planned with a maximum permissible power of up to 10 MW.

The agreement about collaboration in the Ustrine Solar Power Plant was signed on 22nd April 2020 by the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Public Institution, the Croatian power company HEP (Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d.) and the Town of Mali Lošinj.

Video - 3D simulation of the Ustrine Solar Power Plant >> >>

The activities linked to the construction of the solar power plant >>

Title of the report: ‘Spatial-transport study of the wider gravitational area of the section of the D427 state road from Marinići to Marišćina’
Client: Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution Rijekaprojekt d.d. Rijeka
Year compiled: 2017.

The ‘Spatial-transport study of the wider gravitational area of the section of the D427 state road from Marinići to Marišćina’ was made for the purpose of improving the transport infrastructure and interconnectedness of the wider gravitational area of the D427 state road. In addition to the road traffic also analysed were other aspects of transport with the emphasis on increasing the accessibility of public transport for passengers. The study is the first step in solving the current and expected traffic problems.

In the study an additional four-way at-grade intersection is planned at ‘Sroki – Mladenići’ on the D427 state road. Also planned is a new county road link of the existing Ž5025 and Ž5055 county roads with the D427 state road. A new intersection and new county road will significantly reduce the journey, as well as avoid passing through the densely populated area of settlements.

The increase of the number of inhabitants, expansion of settlements, as well as the planning of new public amenities at new locations requires the reorganisation of public urban transport. For the needs of reorganising the public transport of passengers a new bus terminal is planned at the location of Pogled where the change of routes and passenger transfers will be possible.

Along with the bus terminal a car park (so-called Park and Ride) is also planned for the transfer from personal vehicles to public transport.

In the study locations for the public car parks are specified which are mainly ground-level car parks, apart from the planned Viškovo garage.

In this study also proposed is the further development of cycling trails and cycling infrastructure, in other words, the construction and introduction of a system of public bicycles over the wider gravitational area of the D427 state road (a network of public bicycle stations) which could be used for recreational purposes and as a part of the system of public urban transport.

The planned upgrade of the intersection on the state road and county roads
The planned upgrade of the intersection on the state road and county roads
The planned new intersection on the state road and planned new county road
The planned new intersection on the state road and planned new county road
The new conception of the public transport of passengers, longitudinal and circular routes
The new conception of the public transport of passengers, longitudinal and circular routes
Cycling trails - existing (blue and yellow) and planned (red)
Cycling trails - existing (blue and yellow) and planned (red)

The Municipal Council of Viškovo unanimously accepted the spatial-transport study: from the media 25.11.2017.

Title of the report: Development Strategy of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County 2016-2020 (DS PGC)
Client: Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
Coordinator for the Client: Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management
Creator: The Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution; Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management; Knowledge Network LLc, Zagreb; Safege d.o.o., Zagreb; Ecorys Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb
Year compiled: 2015

The planning of regional development is regulated by the Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette no. 147/14). In line with Article 11 of the Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia the planning documents of the policy of regional development are the Strategy of Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia, the County Development Strategy, and the City of Zagreb Development Strategy and the Strategy of Development of Urban Regions.

The County Development Strategy is the basic strategic planning document of a unit of regional government in which the aims and priorities of development for the area of a county with the purpose of the strengthening of its developmental potentials are determined, with a special emphasis on the role of large towns and central cities of counties in the stimulation of development and the development of poorly developed areas.

The drafting of the 2016-2020 Development Strategy (DS) of PGC began with the then applicable Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette no. 153/09) and in line with the Regulation of the mandatory content, methodology of the drafting and method of the evaluation of county strategies (Official Gazette no. 53/10). In the process of drafting the DS of PGC 2016-2020 the new Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette no. 147/14) was adopted, and on the basis of the same the Guidelines for the drafting of county developmental strategies, the monitoring and evaluation of their implementation (Ministry of Regional Development and funds of the European Union CLASS: 011-01/15-02/3, REGISTERED NUMBER: 538-06-1/003-15-5, from 30th September 2015), with which the DS of PGC 2016-2020 in the final phase of drafting is compliant.

In line with Article 13, paragraph 2, a regional governmental unit adopts a county development strategy in line with the principle of partnership and collaboration after the previously acquired opinion of a partner council for the area of a county, taking into consideration the need of ensuring the uniform development of all parts of the county.

The Assembly of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County at its 6th session held on 19th December 2013 adopted the Resolution about the founding of a Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Partner Council (CLASS: 021-04/13-01/9, REGISTERED NUMBER: 2170/1-01-01/5-13-22).On the basis of the Resolution about the founding of a Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Partner Council on 3rd February 2014 the County Prefect adopted the Resolution about the appointment of a Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Partner Council (CLASS: 022-04/14-01/4, REGISTERED NUMBER: 2170/1-01-01/6-14-10). Appointed as president was Marko Boras Mandić, Deputy County Prefect, and Associate Professor Ljudevit Krpan PhD, Head of the Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management as deputy.

One of the fundamental principles of the policy of regional development, in line with Article 5, of the Regional Development Act of the Republic of Croatia, is the principle of partnership and collaboration between the public, private and civil sectors. It implies the cooperation between bodies of state administration, units of regional government, units of local self-government, economic entities, the scientific community, social partners and organisations of the civil society. Following on from this, in all phases of the drafting of the 2016-2020 Development Strategy of PGC representatives of the significant shareholders, in other words, the principle of partnership and collaboration of public, private and civil sectors was respected in all phases of the drafting.

On 19th November 2015 the County Assembly unanimously adopted the Development Strategy of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County for the period from 2016 to 2020.

In the Spatial Plan of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (OG 32/13), the solar power plants of Orlec-Trinket-East and Orlec-Trinket-West are defined as buildings of county significance and the conditions for their immediate implementation are given based on the Spatial Plan of PGC.

In the ‘Development Strategy of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County 2016-2020’ the use of renewable sources of energy is encouraged as one of the measures of the development of a green economy. The mechanism of the implementation of the mentioned measure is also the planning of the development of solar power plants in the framework of the spatial-plan documentation and the preparations of the project documentation for construction.

For the needs of “attracting” investors, and for the candidature of the projects for European funds and/or for public/private partnership, in 2014 the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County initiated the drafting of project documentation for obtaining of the location permit for the Orlec-Trinket-East Solar Power Plant, and in 2017 the drafting of project documentation for the Orlec-Trinket-West Solar Power Plant.

On 28th June 2018, the Agreement about collaboration in the Orlec Trinket Solar Power Plant on the island of Cres was signed by the deputy prefect of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Marina Medarić, the president of the board of HEP Frane Barbarić and Zdravko Tuba, the guardian of the St Francis monastery on Cres, on whose land the power plant will be built.

Title of the report: Programme-spatial design of the harbour open to public traffic Valbiska
Client: Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution
Creator: Rijekaprojekt d.d. Rijeka and Rožić Architects and Partners d.o.o. Rijeka
Year compiled: 2016.

The programme and spatial design of Valbiska harbour included the entire area of the harbour as well as the access road and on the basis of this design it is possible to determine the conditions for the construction, landscaping and use of the demarcated surface areas and to define the measures of the protection of the area during construction and use. With the design the current needs are covered, however, a phased upgrading is planned in view of the construction of additional berths, nevertheless, everything is in line with the spatial limits and possibilities.

Fig. 1 Photomontage 1

The entire area is defined through determined units which are interconnected in a functional sense and together they make the entire area of the ferry port compatible. The construction, landscaping and use of demarcated surface areas are also in line with other factors of the area satisfying the basic conditions which are related to: efficiency, functionality, the compliance with other spatial units, connectivity, cost-effectiveness and safety.

In line with the proposed transport design of the harbour, the linking of most of the amenities into a single area is proposed, in other words, a new building – a Terminal.

Programsko-prostorno rješenje luke otvorene za javni promet Valbiska - 2016. godina - slika 2Fig. 2 Photomontage 3
Programsko-prostorno rješenje luke otvorene za javni promet Valbiska - 2016. godina - slika 3Fig. 3 Harbour upgrade – the situation


Title of the elaboration: Conceptual design of the port open for public traffic St Fuska
Client: Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
Producer: Rijekaprojekt d.d. Rijeka
Year of production: 2019

For the realisation of the Valbiska project, it is necessary to move the communal berths from the harbour of Valbiska, and the potential location for the relocation of the communal berths is the harbour of St Fuska. For the verification and definition of the spatial possibilities of the harbour of St Fuska for the placing of the communal berths from the harbour of Valbiska, a conceptual design of the St Fuska harbour was produced in 2019.

An integral part of the conceptual design was also the analysis of the hydrodynamics of the sea. Despite the fact that the harbour of St Fuska is seemingly located in a very well-protected cove, the natural protection and the smaller existing quay are not sufficient protection from the waves from all directions.The critical directions of the wind are SW, W and SSE. The SW direction is directly perpendicular to the cove and causes the greatest wave heights.

On the basis of the analysis of the hydrodynamics of the sea in the conceptual design, two variants of the harbour were produced that are conceived in a way that the harbour could be developed in phases.
In both variants, the construction of communal and nautical parts of the harbour is planned with the priority on the communal berths.

Variant 1 was assessed as being more acceptable. On the east coast, in the 1st developmental phase, a primary 80 m long breakwater is planned for protection against the SW and SSE winds. Besides the breakwater also planned are quays (Quays 1, 2, 3 and 4) and new smaller shorelines.
With the construction of the breakwater and quays 1, 2 and 3 the reception of communal vessels from the harbour of Valbiska will be made possible, whilst the west shoreline with a second breakwater can be added subsequently in the 2nd developmental phase.

Fig. 4 Conceptual design of the harbour of St Fuska – Variation 1

Title of the report: The conceptual design of the Šapjane Centre for Training Firefighters – Firefighter Training Centre
Client: Firefighting Association of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
Coordinator for the client: Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution
Creator: Urbanistički studio Rijeka d.o.o., Rijeka
Year compiled: 2016.

The Šapjane Centre for the Training of Firefighters – the firefighters training centre is defined in the Spatial Plan of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (OG 32/13) as a building of county interest and the conditions for its construction are defined by the direct implementation of Article 412, point 14.
The Šapjane Centre for the Training of Firefighters – the firefighters training centre is planned for the needs of the training of participants in the process of the protection and rescuing of people, animals and material goods. The 15.75-hectare area of the former barracks of Boršt in Šapjane has been chosen for the centre. The centre is organised as one building which has been reconstructed inside its own plot and consists of basic and ancillary buildings.

The conceptual urbanistic and architectural design of the centre has been created as an expert proposal for its further programme and design development.

Centar za obuku vatrogasaca Šapjane – Vatrogasni trenažni centar 2016 - slika 1

The conceptual design contains:

  • an analysis of the existing condition of the space
  • a proposal of the programme of the planning of the space
  • a spatial design with a basic functional and organisational scheme and location of the building in the space
  • the conceptual designs of the internal roads and infrastructure and
  • the conceptual architectural designs of the building with the basic elements for quantification (surface area, volumes).

The conceptual design has been made in line with legal regulations, norms, standards and rules of the profession and in line with the project task ‘Šapjane Centre for the Training of Firefighters – the firefighters training centre - Project task’, the Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution, Rijeka 31st December 2015).

Centar za obuku vatrogasaca Šapjane – Vatrogasni trenažni centar 2016 - slika 2
Centar za obuku vatrogasaca Šapjane – Vatrogasni trenažni centar 2016 - slika 4

Title of the report: Preliminary design for the Lake Ribnjak promenade in Gomirje
Client: Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution
Creator: Aka TiM, Rijeka
Year compiled: 2016.

The preliminary design has defined the scope of the project in an area which determines the construction of a promenade along the stream of Ribnjak and the tributary Draškovac, the construction of various extensions – a plateau on the promenade with accompanying amenities, and the construction of the starting point of the promenade - terraces on the land alongside the ‘Ilića vrelo’ spring with a vantage point.

The use of the promenade and its extensions is for tourist-recreational purposes.

The use of the promenade and its extensions is for tourist-recreational purposes.

The total length of the promenade is 549.55 m, and the overall surface area of the promenade is 1,347.43 m².

Visualisation of the promenade – view 1
Visualisation of the promenade – view 1
Visualisation of the promenade – view 3
Visualisation of the promenade – view 3

Title of the report: Main architectural project ‘Monastery corner’ - shelter with a terrace
Client: Institute for Physical Planning of PGC Public Institution
Creator: Aka TiM, Rijeka
Year compiled: 2016.

Proposed is the formation of a multipurpose landscaped terrace for religious ceremonies, sermons and work with young people and a rest area for believers and visitors in the developed part of the building area of settlement N73 of the town of Vrbovsko.

Manastirski kutak – nadstrešnica s terasom 2016. godina - slika 1</span> Manastirski kutak – nadstrešnica s terasom 2016. godina - slika 2</span>

In line with legal obligations for the needs of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, the Institute has established a Physical Planning Information System (ISPU).The system is used for the needs of:

  • the drafting, adoption, implementation and monitoring of spatial plans in the County,
  • the permanent monitoring of the situation in the area and the drafting of a report about the situation in the area and
  • the issuing of acts of physical planning and construction

The system consists of four interconnected subsystems: 1. The Register of Spatial Plans, 2. GIS database, 3. Digital archive of the spatial plans, 4. HERA (The Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency).

Primorje-Gorski Kotar County began with the introduction of a geographical information system for the area of the County back in 1995. The then County Institute for Sustainable Development and Physical Planning, based on the needs of its activities and many years of acquired experience, created its own system of gathering and storing data about the area via GIS technology. With the support of the Assembly and Executive Board, in 1998 GIS technology was accepted as the method of managing the documentation of the area and monitoring of the situation in the area, whilst the GIS database became the fundamental database about the area of the County. The application of the established method of work resulted in several large projects significant not only in county terms, but also on the level of the Republic of Croatia: the GIS database of the County, GIS database of the Adriatic, and the GIS database of spatial plans of development plans of municipalities and cities.
In conjunction with the continuation of the construction of the Physical Planning Information System for the needs of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, 2010 began with the informatisation of the implementation of the documents of physical planning via the ‘Integration of acts and documents of physical planning in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County’ project. By law the content of the data is defined which is held in the Information System. Data about the implemented acts is automatically incorporated into the database of a physical planning information system, with the aim of establishing the Physical Planning Information System in the County.

To date the developed system enables an insight into the acts of physical planning, the search and analysis of spatial documentation and an insight into the current spatial plans of a particular selected area during the issue of acts of physical planning of so-called urbanistic identification. The project for the entire area of the County was finished in 2013, and from then onwards data is being continuously added to the system, whilst the applicative system is maintained and upgraded.

The County started to be involved actively in the systematic care of abandoned animals after the request of the City of Rijeka, which, due to the territorial limitations and the characteristics of the natural and built city structures, in its administrative boundaries did not find an adequate location that would satisfy all the necessary conditions. The planning and preparation of the project was entrusted to the County Institute for Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning in 2003.
The overall activities related to the building of the "Centre" are divided into three phases:

Phase 1 – individuation of a suitable location

  • stage – comparative analysis of proposed locations and selection of the final location
  • stage – creation of spatial pre-conditions and plans for the construction 

Phase 2 – preparation for the construction

  • stage – procurement of location permits for the Centre’s complex and the infrastructure’s buildings
  • stage – procurement of construction permits (approval of the main plans) for the Centre’s complex and the infrastructure’s buildings 

Phase 3 – equipment and construction

  • stage – construction of the access road and infrastructure to the construction site,
  • stage – equipment of the construction site with infrastructure and the construction of the Centre

Up to now the County Institute led all the activities of taking care of the abandoned animals in the framework of phases 1 and 2.

In the first phase the needs and the basic characteristics of the future shelter for animals were defined, and accordingly the activities initiated as regards the search for an appropriate location for the construction of the shelter. Of the approximately ten potential locations, the three most appropriate were selected and after an intensive collaboration with the units of self-government on whose territory the locations were found the final location was selected, i.e. Dolina in the municipality of Klana, where the shelter will be built.

In the second phase, after the location was defined, the County Institute elaborated the spatial plan for the municipality of Klana, in which it included the area and the conditions for the construction of the "Animal welfare centre" securing the spatial – planning pre-conditions for the realisation of the enterprise. It enabled the start of the preparatory stages for the building of the shelter.

